I am a craft editor and colourist with a passion for music, photography, and visual design. I began my career as an editor intern at Blast Theory, exploring the social and political aspects of technology through installation and video. Since then, I've been fortunate to work on a wide range of projects, including commercials, television, and independent films and have collaborated with partners such as Adobe, Channel 4 and BBC.

A lifelong passion for music has influenced my editing style, as I have come to realise that timing - a skill honed through music practice - is crucial in crafting a compelling story.

I'm particularly inspired by the editing styles of Adam Curtis and George Tomasini, and I strive to bring their techniques to my work.

In addition to editing, I'm also a keen photographer and enjoy working in the darkroom. This interest has informed my approach to colour grading. I continue to incorporate darkroom techniques into my work.

Over the years, I've also been involved in a number of music collaborations based in Cork, organising music events and establishing an independent record label. Through these collectives we have helped nurture innovative forms of contemporary culture through live performance, production, and visual design.

With an absolute passion for cinema, I continue to learn and develop my skills.

MA in Craft Editing

BA in Digital Design

Darkroom Photography Now

DaVinci Resolve Certified

Camera Guild of Ireland

My goal is to create thought-provoking documentary and drama that challenge and inspire audiences. I'm always open to collaborations and would love to hear from you if you have a project in mind.

Previous Clients Include


An Beach Dubh

Antonio Carluccio



Carrollton Bank

Channel 4

Circus Factory

CSN College of Further Education

DAB Hand Media

Darn Thorn

Fly Away Home Productions

Glass Ceiling Productions

Good1 Productions

Mesch Productions


SurfnSup West Cork

University of Nottingham

"Gearoid is extremely talented. His creative eye and willingness to take on projects of any size truly put him in the top echelon of post production editors I have worked with."

Collin - Good1 Productions

I look forward to connecting with you.